In many states auto insurance is a requirement for all drivers. This is probably why you are looking online for an auto insurance quote. I did the same thing two years ago when State Farm dropped me and I needed to find cheap auto insurance and fast. That is when I discovered Geico auto insurance and started saving big money.
My daughter wrecked her and then my car within a two-week period. State Farm more than doubled our premium. After she got a couple more speeding tickets, they refused to renew the auto insurance but still wanted me to maintain my home insurance with them. I had been with State Farm for nearly twenty-five years and paid enough in auto insurance premiums over that time to buy three or four new cars. Needless to say, I was very upset and decided I was going to get the cheapest auto insurance possible. I went to my computer and entered auto insurance quote in the browser. When Geico came up close to the top I though, "I've seen their great ads on TV," so I went to their site to get an online auto insurance quote.
Some things I discovered that allows you to get low cost auto insurance was adjusting the deducible. Your auto insurance quotes will be much lower if you specify at least a $500.00 deductible. Now you may think this is too high but if you reduce your premium by just $50.00 per month, you save enough to pay the deductible. If you have no accident that year then you saved all that money. And another thing, remember most states only require liability insurance. If you have no loans on the car and you are a safe driver, then you can forget about comprehensive insurance. Car insurance can be cheap if you do it right.
Another technique to lower your car insurance rates is to assign the correct driver to each of your cars. If you have a high-risk rated car, such as a sports car, you want to assign that car to the driver with the best driving record. Your high risk driver, such as my daughter, should be assigned to the family's old station wagon. This can give you an auto insurance quote that is much lower.
These techniques can be tested online at Geico website. Go check them out and get some cheap car insurance from a great company. I have saved enough with them to make a monthly car payment.
četvrtak, 24. travnja 2008.
Cheap Online Car Insurance Quote
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