An extended auto warranty quote needs to have the backing of a reputable warranty administrator. Anyone looking for an extended auto warranty quote should know that there are two types of administrators. A car owner can get extended car service that's backed by either a risk retention group or an insurance group.
So how does the car owner go about choosing the best source for an extended auto warranty quote? The car owner needs to get that quote from a reputable administrator. The car owner can find a reputable administrator by looking for two specific features.
A reputable warranty administrator has the backing of an underwriter. A reputable warranty administrator has protective insurance. If the warranty administrator has a web site (as is usually the case with an insurance company), then the car owner should set aside time to examine the information on that web site.
Every warranty administrator gets a rating. A car owner seeking an extended auto warranty quote should take a look at those ratings. Where can the car owner find those ratings? They are at the web sites for the following rating agencies: A.M. Best, Standard and Poors, Moody's, and Fitch.
The car owner seeking an extended auto warranty quote should note a few facts. First, the purchase of a warranty does not mean immediate coverage. The car owner must call the underwriter of the warranty and provide him with details concerning the name of the purchaser and the vehicle covered by that warranty.
Here is a second fact that relates to payment for the extended warranty. This fact may not show up in the quote. Some companies offer interest free financing to the purchaser of an extended auto warranty.
Now when and where should the car owner get an extended warranty? Is it best to purchase such a warranty from the dealership? No, it is not. Some car owners worry about not being able to get repairs at a dealership, if they purchase a warranty from an outside source. That is not the case.
When is the optimal time to seek an extended auto warranty quote? Should such a search be initiated while a large stretch of time remains on the manufacturer's warranty? The answer is "no." A car that has both a manufacturer's warranty and an extended auto warranty is not given special attention at a service station.
The time to go after an extended warranty quote is when the manufacturer's warranty has almost expired. Sometimes a car owner does not need to keep track of the expiration date. Sometimes a company that sells extended warranties will contact the car owner prior to the expiration of the manufacturer's warranty.
Of course, some car owners fail to notify the manufacturer of any change in address or phone number. The car owner, who fails to let the manufacturer know how he or she can be contacted, might learn too late that he or she should have purchased fuller car coverage. He or she should have purchased an extended auto warranty.
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